For the awakened woman ready to embody the abundant power within & leave the BS behind once and for all.

You’re here in this lifetime

for more than you’ve been taught.

We’ve been conditioned our whole lives to think that our value comes from how much we achieve & what we contribute to others.

We’ve been trained to look outside ourselves and disconnect from our inner guidance system, seeking validation and a sense of okayness from other people’s approval and acceptance.

We’ve been conditioned to feel most comfortable in a state of disempowerment, sourcing our energy from material things, money, job titles, relationships, beauty, and status.

But eventually, you wake up and realize:

There has to be more to life than this,

and I’m f*cking done playing the game.

Are you ready to take back your power & create a Soul-led life of abundance, pleasure, inner peace, and deep connection?

It’s time for a life no longer run by other people’s opinions and beliefs of how you “should” be.

It’s time for a life no longer operating from inherited conditioning & patterns that were never even yours to begin with - but instead driven by the truth of who you really are.

It’s time to shed the past versions of you that have kept you stuck in overwhelm, anxiety, guilt, people-pleasing, perfectionism, and always focusing on others’ needs over your own…

So that you can become embodied in the energies you so desperately want to feel in your life - aligned with your higher purpose, present with your people, connected to your inner guidance and higher power, and deeply held and supported by the Universe.

You ready?

It's time to come home to your True Self.

It's time to come home to your True Self.

Imagine what your life could look like on the other side of your transformation.

Imagine waking up every day feeling inspired to create, doing soul-fulfilling work that aligns with your core values and your spirit’s purpose for this lifetime.

Imagine waking up every day feeling healthy, full, and balanced. Feeling deeply connected to your higher power and inner guidance, full of high-vibrational energy, and excited by the day ahead, knowing it will be exactly what you need to keep growing.

You are surrounded by aligned relationships that are loving, nourishing, and reciprocal. Your people know how to show up for you, and you feel deeply met, seen, heard, and loved by your tribe.

You no longer suffer from anxiety, depression, or other fear-based ways of being that hold you back. You now have the tools and know how to work with your emotions, feeling them fully, releasing them, and allowing them to alchemize into pure healing and lessons to help you on your path. You have learned how to speak the language of your nervous system and know how to support yourself emotionally, taking radical responsibility for your inner world.

You no longer feel confused about who you are or what you’re here to do. You no longer suffer from the frustration of knowing deep down you’re meant to be doing something else, something more, but feel stuck in a life that’s so unaligned with what you actually want. You have strong clarity about who you are and what your purpose is in this lifetime and you have designed a life that reflects this back to you every single day.

You no longer operate out of fear. You no longer live based on others’ expectations of you, or societal conditioning that says you have to be the “good girl” - but rather, you get to be your true, messy, wild, vulnerable, raw, authentic self. You get to be ALL of you, in all places. No reservations. No more holding back. No more conforming to what they want from you.

You get to just be You.

Your True Self. Your Core Being.

Deeply connected.

Deeply held.

And you get to go & create magic in the world.

This is what I’m here to help you cultivate.

About Lauren

I’m a mentor for high-achieving women on self-healing journeys who are ready to ditch overwhelm, anxiety, and societal/patriarchal conditioning so they can reignite their inner power.

I help create spaces for you to reconnect to your intuition and inner guidance system, get crystal clear on who you truly are, heal past emotional wounding and traumas keeping you stuck in self-defeating cycles, learn tools to regulate your nervous system, and take aligned, conscious action in creating the life you know on a deep level you’re here to live - in a way that feels pleasurable, sustainable, and in flow.