Ignite Your Sacred Feminine


Seven Simple At-Home Rituals to Heal Overwhelm and Burnout, Regulate Your Nervous System, Overcome Anxiety, and Deeply Connect to Your Intuition and Feminine Energy

Our whole lives we’ve been taught to disconnect from our intuition & feminine energy.

We’ve been taught to place our value in how productive we are, what others think of us, how much we give to others, or what we achieve.

We’ve been trained to look outside ourselves to feel accepted & safe, but when life happens and things get shaky we have no sense of groundedness.

When things fall apart, we have no way of holding it together.

Because we haven’t been taught how to source our power from within.

Are you ready to learn how to finally create that sense of peace & stability from inside you?

Our society lives and breathes masculine energy. It’s hyper-focused on productivity, achievements, and materialism. The more you consume, the harder you work, and the more selflessly you give to others, the more worthy you are through the eyes of patriarchy.

We’ve been taught to be the “good girl” who is quiet, compliant, and centers others’ needs over her own. The girl who doesn’t rock the boat. Who does exactly as is expected of her with a smile on her face no matter what she’s feeling inside.

But in my experience, and in the experience of many of the women I work with, you can only live this way for so long.

Eventually, you start waking up to the BS and realize you’ve had enough. You’re tired of operating at constant levels of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and burnout. You’re sick of living for everyone else, always putting their needs before your own & feeling guilty for taking the smallest moments of “self-care” time.

You realize you don’t even know who you are or what you want anymore because you’ve been so disconnected from your inner self for most of your life. You numb out every night with wine or food or buying more shit you don’t need from Amazon Prime or doom scrolling your IG feed, only to realize…

You can’t keep going on this way, & there has to be more to life than this.


Ignite Your Sacred Feminine

A deep-dive masterclass that teaches you practical, easy-to-follow practices and rituals you can do at home, with no prior experience necessary, to help you tap back into your intuition, feminine energy, and inner power.

Ignite Your Sacred Feminine will teach you seven easy-to-follow, at-home rituals & practices that help you:

  • Reduce stress, anxiety, overwhelm, and feelings of burnout

  • Feel more supported and rooted within yourself, despite what’s happening in your outside world (relationships, work, money, etc.)

  • Become less dependent on external sources for a sense of validation and security

  • Feel more nourished, centered, and whole, so you can actually give back & pour from a full cup to the people in your life

  • Become more empowered knowing you get to decide how you show up each day & lead your energy, instead of always reacting to the things life throws your way or needing other people/things to make you feel better

I created this masterclass because I believe that you’re inherently worthy of living a healthy, balanced, and thriving life.

The problem is that from a young age, society trains you to look outside yourself for validation, which causes a disconnect from your internal guidance system, and keeps your nervous system in survival mode (a chronic fight/flight/freeze response). This leads to long-term anxiety, overwhelm, stress, lack of clarity, fatigue, numerous health problems, and an overall sense of energetic disempowerment.

These practices are the key to taking your power back.

They allow you to move from an anxious & controlling state of reacting to the chaos of life, into a state of feeling deeply grounded within yourself and taking empowered, aligned action from your soul’s desires. They’ll help you move into the driver’s seat of your reality so you can truly achieve anything your heart desires. 



Get instant access to these seven at-home rituals & start your inner transformation today!